Touched by Strangers

October 16, 2007 at 2:18 am (adopted, adoptee, adopting, adoption, adoption reform, birthmother, birthparents, first mother, natural mother)

I haven’t talked much about the problems I have had with the Bean. It hasn’t been an easy pregnancy at all. I have been sick the entire time and off and on bedrest. Because of this I can not work. No one wants an employee that runs to vomit every ten minutes or tends to pass out.

Money is tight. Truthfully, money is real tight. It terrifies me. It reminds me of all the things people said when I was pregnant with little A. I sit in bed (where the doctor tells me I need to stay) and think of all the things I still need to get. I obsess about which is most important. What things should I actually spend money on first. Then I remember I can’t even go shopping right now and worry more.

What if the Bean is born and I don’t have anything? I have some little things already but not the big stuff.

Today my mom was talking with some people she knew from work. They aren’t really friends. They just know each other. I have never even heard their name before today. My mom mentioned me crying last night over being too sick to get the things I needed. Of course my mom says I shouldn’t worry because we will get it all one way or another. This wonderful lady my mom is talking to runs out to her garage and emerges with a car seat, stroller and carrier. She bought them for her grand daughter almost a year ago. They called me five minutes ago to tell me they have packed all this in my moms car along with a couple bags of baby clothes and will drop them off tonight.

I can’t stop crying. This woman has never met me yet has given me so much. Its more than material objects. SHe has given me hope when I desperately needed it. She took away some of the worry.

Never doubt how much you can touch a person’s life with even a tiny kindness. This woman will probably never know how much she has touched my soul today.


  1. Tonya said,

    What a wonderful thing she did. I’m glad she helped ease some of the stress and worry for you.
    and, yes, everything will get done for your little girl’s arrival 🙂

  2. HeatherRainbow said,

    (((Aislin))) I am glad that she helped you. You are constantly in my thoughts! You and your little one. ((hugs))

  3. Coco said,

    I’m so glad that she was able to reach out to you, Aislin, to give you hope more than anything.

    I’ve been thinking of you and your Bean so much. I’m glad to see you posting with some happy and hopeful news.

    Remember, there are many of us who have things we’d be happy to pass along, to send to you, to help you. You can reach me anytime through my blog contact page. Please never, never feel alone.


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